What are the over-arching goals of the Murrieta Initiatives? Those that oppose them are tied to both the council and government like BFF's and have a very narrow view of the Initiatives C D E purpose. They see limited goverment as limiting Murrieta's ability to compete. They fail to see that limited government needs to have its seed planted here and spread statewide. Those opposed say it needs to be dealt with at the state level. We know that starting from the state level is a non starter. The state cannot fix its own budget problems, and the state has shown it is pro government salary growth. It's going to take a grassroots effort to rein in out of control public salaries. First we heard of the cities of Bell and LaVerne and their raping of the public trust. The latest city is San Marcos with over one third of city workers making over 100k. http://www.nctimes.com/news/local/san-marcos/article_990aff72-3c8e-598f-884a-c72cec82c2a3.html?mode=story In Murrieta we also have salaries higher than the private sector average and here is a link to the list: http://www3.murrieta.org/general/salaries/SalarySchedule_08-09-10.pdf The Initiatives only attack a small part of this problem and are meant to not only rein in what they list, but they are also meant to motivate other citizens in other cities to adopt similar measures that are hopefully even more broad. The public employees and their unions have been feeding at the taxpayer pig trough for too long. It is time to start a movement to halt government salaries as a growth industry. Taxes and salaries are tied together. One cannot be lowered without a drop in the other....
Ever wonder why you pay more in sales tax? DMV fees? Income tax? Tickets and Court fees? Or in general why Californians are among the heaviest taxed citizens in the United States? Well what is most of the tax money collected spent on? The salaries and benefits of government employees at the state, county and city levels. Add to this that over the last twenty years government salaries went from on par to private sector positions to now paying 45 percent more and and in many cases much more. At what point do the citizens of California say enough? City managers should not make more than members of Congress. City clerks should not make 50 to a 100 percent more than clerks with similar responsibilities in the private sector. Public servants sitting on city councils should not seek re-election because they depend on council benefits above serving their fellow citizens. Murrieta needs to say enough! We need to guarantee from this point on that salaries are a known calculation and are not part of a perception that salaries can be driven up because taxes can always be raised to cover higher and higher compensations. Send a message Murrieta! These Initiatives are bigger than this city. California and it's cities need to be woken up and lets do the shaking right here! Vote YES ON C D E on November 2
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